Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: A0081

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Special Collections
Utah Historical Society
Salt Lake City, UT
1830 Book of Mormon, Samuel Potter
Inscription listing Samuel Potter, purchased from mormon preachers in 1833
Other listings for several last names of Holman
Unique Features
Spine: Brown Label. Darker coloration with wear on top and bottom edges and hinging. ribbing discolored to dark with all gold worn off.
Spine Lettering and Label: Brown Title Ribbon with gold lettering, small font formatting. Lettering starting to fad with vertical lines throughout.
Cover: Darker coloration with wear on outer corners. Lighter rub coloration in center of cover.
Binding: spine/cover hinging intact. One front endpaper.
Title Page: Present. Triangular cockling on upper right corner and slightly on lower left corner. Some ink bleed through points from end paper inscription on subtitle lines. Discoloration spot on year line.
Text: Preface page missing, various annotations in margins and edges in ink. Trace of water staining on outer edges
Inscription: front end paper recto: “Samuel Potter his book bought of the mormon preachers 1833” in brown ink with illegible/faded pencil writings. Front pastedown: L.S. Holman in various pencils. Illegible inscription in pencil and another Bilpha (SP?) Holman in ink.
Notes: Page 144, line 36 proper “about”. Page number 212, “122”. Page 161 line 1, “fait”. Page 63 line 21 “himself”. Proper page number 487. Page 521 line 8/9 “mur-derers” Page 582 line 41, proper “meekness”. Three Witness page line 10 proper “seen”.
